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Heute erreichte uns folgende Meldung von Sci Entertainment, der Eigentümer von Eidos: die PS2-Fassung von Tomb Raider Underworld wird leider erst im nächsten Jahr erscheinen. Was für eine Schande! Die Gründe sind bisher ungeklärt, doch es ist wahrscheinlich, dass Eidos schon bald dazu Stellung bezieht.
Neben dieser traurigen Meldung, gibt es aber noch eine gute: der offizielle Launch Trailer (der wie der Teaser Trailer CGI-Based ist und somit keine Ingame-Grafik zeigt) zu Tomb Raider Underworld wird am Freitag, den 14.11.2008, um 23:00 PDT (Pacific Standard Time) erscheinen. Das ist bei uns am Samstag, den 15.11.2008, morgens um 08:00 Uhr. Der Trailer wird wie der Teaser auf www.gametrailers.com und bei Spike TV zu sehen sein. Es ist gut möglich, dass dort einige neue Features enthüllt werden. Aber wir werden sehen.
Hier ist die offizielle Presse-Meldung von Sci Entertainment zu Tomb Raider Underworld, natürlich in englisch:
Interim Management Statement
SCi Entertainment Group plc, the holding Company of Eidos Interactive Limited, creator of some of the world's leading videogame properties including Tomb Raider, Hitman, Deus Ex, Championship Manager and Kane & Lynch, is publishing its Interim Management Statement for the period from 1 July 2008 to 11 November 2008, in accordance with the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
The financial year has commenced in line with our expectations. As planned, no major products were launched in this period with the majority of revenues derived from the continued sell through of back catalogue titles and distribution of third party products.
Tomb Raider: Underworld™ will be released to plan on 18 November in North America and 21 November in Europe on the major platforms of Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS and PC Games for Windows. A PlayStation 2 version is also due for release in the New Year. The much anticipated eighth instalment in the Lara Croft franchise is the first to be led by development on current generation technology and is the first Christmas release since the year 2000. Despite the challenging economic environment we believe the game will perform to our expectations and we are pleased with the initial feedback. As we move through the launch of Tomb Raider: Underworld our level of working capital will increase, covered by our £25m committed debt facility, before decreasing as we receive income from the game.
During this reported period Robert Brent joined the Company as Chief Financial Officer. Two Non-Executive Directors, Aaron Brown and Kevin Tsujihara, stood down from the Board.
We shall be updating the market on trading in January when we will have information on the performance of Tomb Raider: Underworld. The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held at 12 noon on 2 December at the offices of KBC Peel Hunt Ltd, Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1PH.
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Tomb Raider Underworld, welches wie die beiden Vorgänger Tomb Raider Legend (2006) und Tomb Raider Anniversary (2007) vom kalifornischen Entwicklerstudio Crystal Dynamics entwickelt wird, erscheint am 21. November 2008 für PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, XBOX 360, PC-DVD (Games for Windows), Wii und die Handheld-Konsole Nintendo DS.